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Tables Test


ANSI Standard 20 ISO 492 DIN 620
ABEC 1 Class Normal P0
ABEC 3 Class 6 P6
ABEC 5 Class 5 P5
ABEC 7 Class 4 P4
ABEC 9 Class 2 P2

The following tables list the actual ABEC and RBEC tolerances per ABMA Standard 20. The tables list tolerances for both inner and outer rings, in both inch and metric units. These tables are useful in determining sizes and tolerance for components, such as shafts and housings. The designer should always do a tolerance stack up study at both maximum and least material conditions when sizing components, particularly when designing for miniature ball bearings. Some tolerances have been omitted for clarity. Tolerances for tapered roller bearings can be found in ABMA Standard 19.1 and are not included in these tables.

Table IA 

Tolerance Class ABEC-1, RBEC-1 

(ISO Class Normal)

Inner Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch

Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -3 4 0 -16 -
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -3 4 0 -47 -98
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -3 4 0 -47 -98
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -4 5 0 -47 -98
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -4.5 6 0 -47 -98
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -6 8 0 -59 -150
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -8 10 0 -79 -150
120 180 4.7244 7.0866 0 -10 12 0 -98 -197
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -12 16 0 -118 -197
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -14 20 0 -138 -197
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -16 24 0 -157 -248

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -8 10 0 -40 -
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -8 10 0 -120 -250
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -8 10 0 -120 -250
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -10 13 0 -120 -250
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -12 15 0 -120 -250
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -15 20 0 -150 -380
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -20 25 0 -200 -380
120 180 4.7244 7.0866 0 -25 30 0 -250 -500
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -30 40 0 -300 -500
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -35 50 0 -350 -500
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -40 60 0 -400 -630



Table IB

Tolerance Class ABEC-1, RBEC-1
(ISO Class Normal)
Outer Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -3 6 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -3 6
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -3.5 6
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -4.5 8
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -5 10
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -6 14
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -7 16
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -10 18
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -12 20
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -14 24
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -16 28
400 500 15.7480 19.6850 0 -18 31
500 630 19.6850 24.8031 0 -20 39
630 800 24.8031 31.4961 0 -30 47
800 1000 31.4961 39.3701 0 -39 55

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -8 15 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -8 15
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -9 15
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -11 20
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -13 25
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -15 35
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -18 40
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -25 45
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -30 50
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -35 60
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -40 70
400 500 15.7480 19.6850 0 -45 80
500 630 19.6850 24.8031 0 -50 100
630 800 24.8031 31.4961 0 -75 120
800 1000 31.4961 39.3701 0 -100 140



Table II A

Tolerance Class ABEC-3, RBEC-3
(ISO Class 6)
Inner Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch

Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -3 2 0 -16 -
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -3 2.5 0 -47 -98
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -3 3 0 -47 -98
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -3 3 0 -47 -98
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -4 4 0 -47 -98
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -4.5 4 0 -59 -150
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -6 5 0 -79 -150
120 180 4.7244 7.0866 0 -7 7 0 -98 -197
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -8.5 8 0 -118 -197
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -10 10 0 -138 -197
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -16 24 0 -157 -248

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -7 5 0 -40 -
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -7 6 0 -120 -250
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -7 7 0 -120 -250
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -8 8 0 -120 -250
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -10 10 0 -120 -250
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -12 10 0 -150 -380
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -15 13 0 -200 -380
120 180 4.7244 7.0866 0 -18 18 0 -250 -500
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -22 20 0 -300 -500
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -25 25 0 -350 -500
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -30 30 0 -400 -630



Table II B

Tolerance Class ABEC-3, RBEC-3
(ISO Class 6)
Outer Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -3 3 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -3 3
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -3 3.5
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -3.5 4
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -4.5 5
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -5 7
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -6 8
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -7 9
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -8 10
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -10 12
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -11 14
400 500 15.7480 19.6850 0 -13 16
500 630 19.6850 24.8031 0 -20 39
630 800 24.8031 31.4961 0 -18 24
800 1000 31.4961 39.3701 0 -24 30

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -7 8 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -7 8
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -8 9
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -9 10
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -11 13
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -13 18
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -15 20
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -18 23
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -20 25
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -25 30
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -28 35
400 500 15.7480 19.6850 0 -33 40
500 630 19.6850 24.8031 0 -38 50
630 800 24.8031 31.4961 0 -45 60
800 1000 31.4961 39.3701 0 -60 75



Table III A

Tolerance Class ABEC-5, RBEC-5
(ISO Class 5)
Inner Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch

Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -2 1.5 0 -16 -98
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -2 1.5 0 -16 -98
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -2 1.5 0 -31 -98
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -2.5 1.5 0 -47 -98
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -3 2 0 -47 -98
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -3.5 2 0 -59 -98
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -4 2.55 0 -79 -150
120 180 4.7244 7.0866 0 -5 3 0 -98 -150
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -6 4 0 -118 -197
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -7 5 0 -138 -197
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -9 6 0 -157 -248

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -5 4 0 -40 -250
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -5 4 0 -40 -250
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -5 4 0 -80 -250
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -6 4 0 -120 -250
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -8 5 0 -120 -250
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -9 5 0 -150 -250
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -10 6 0 -200 -380
120 180 4.7244 7.0866 0 -13 8 0 -250 -380
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -15 10 0 -300 -500
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -18 13 0 -350 -500
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -23 15 0 -400 -630



Table III B

Tolerance Class ABEC-5, RBEC-5
(ISO Class 5)
Outer Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -2 2 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -2 2
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -2.5 2.5
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -3 3
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -3.5 3
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -4 4
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -4.5 4.5
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -5 5
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -6 6
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -7 7
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -8 8
400 500 15.7480 19.6850 0 -9 9
500 630 19.6850 24.8031 0 -11 10
630 800 24.8031 31.4961 0 -14 12

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -5 5 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -5 5
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -6 6
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -6 6
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -9 8
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -10 10
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -11 11
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -13 13
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -15 15
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -18 18
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -20 20
400 500 15.7480 19.6850 0 -23 23
500 630 19.6850 24.8031 0 -28 25
630 800 24.8031 31.4961 0 -35 30



Table IV A

Tolerance Class ABEC-7, RBEC-7
(ISO Class 4)
Inner Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch


Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -1.5 1 0 -16 -98
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -1.5 1 0 -16 -98
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -1.5 1 0 -31 -98
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -2 1 0 -47 -98
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -2.5 1.5 0 -47 -98
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -3 1.5 0 -59 -98
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -3 2 0 -79 -150
120 180 4.7244 7.0866 0 -4 2.5 0 -98 -150
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -4.5 3 0 -118 -197

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -4 2.5 0 -40 -250
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -4 2.5 0 -40 -250
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -4 2.5 0 -80 -250
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -5 3 0 -120 -250
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -6 4 0 -120 -250
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -7 4 0 -150 -250
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -8 5 0 -200 -380
120 180 4.7244 7.0866 0 -10 6 0 -250 -380
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -12 8 0 -300 -500



Table IV B

Tolerance Class ABEC-7, RBEC-7
(ISO Class 4)
Outer Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -1.5 1 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -1.5 1
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -2 1.5
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -2.5 2
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -3 2
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -3 2.5
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -3.5 3
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -4 3
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -4.5 4
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -5 4.5
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -6 5

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -4 3 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -4 3
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -5 4
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -6 5
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -7 5
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -8 6
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -9 7
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -10 8
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -11 10
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -13 11
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -15 13



Table V A

Tolerance Class ABEC-9, RBEC-9
(ISO Class 2)
Inner Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch

Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -1 0.5 0 -16 -98
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -1 0.5 0 -16 -98
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -1 0.5 0 -31 -98
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -1 1 0 -47 -98
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -1 1 0 -47 -98
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -1.5 1 0 -59 -98
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -2 1 0 -79 -150
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -3 1 0 -98 -150
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -3 2 0 -98 -150
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -3 2 0 -118 -197

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Bore Diameter (d) Bore
Radial Runout (Kia) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
0.6 2.5 0.0236 0.0984 0 -2.5 1.5 0 -40 -250
2.5 10 0.0984 0.3937 0 -2.5 1.5 0 -40 -250
10 18 0.3937 0.7087 0 -2.5 1.5 0 -80 -250
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -2.5 2.5 0 -120 -250
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -2.5 2.5 0 -120 -250
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -4 2.5 0 -150 -250
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -5 2.5 0 -200 -380
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -7 2.5 0 -250 -380
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -7 5 0 -250 -380
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -8 5 0 -300 -500



Table V B

Tolerance Class ABEC-9, RBEC-9
(ISO Class 2)
Outer Ring

EnglishTolerance values in 0.0001 inch

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -1 0.5 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -1 0.5
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -1 0.5
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -1.5 1
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -1.5 1.5
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -2 2
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -2 2
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -3 2
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -3 3
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -3 3
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -4 3

MetricTolerance values in micrometers

Outer Diameter (D) Outer Dia. Tolerance
Radial Runout (Kea) Width Tolerance (ΔBS)
mm inch all single bearing paired bearings
over incl. over incl. high low max. high low
2.5 6 0.0984 0.2362 0 -2.5 1.5 Identical to Width Tolerance (ΔBS) of Inner Ring of the same Bearing
6 18 0.2362 0.7087 0 -2.5 1.5
18 30 0.7087 1.1811 0 -4 2.5
30 50 1.1811 1.9685 0 -4 2.5
50 80 1.9685 3.1496 0 -4 4
80 120 3.1496 4.7244 0 -5 5
120 150 4.7244 5.9055 0 -5 5
150 180 5.9055 7.0866 0 -7 5
180 250 7.0866 9.8425 0 -8 7
250 315 9.8425 12.4016 0 -8 7
315 400 12.4016 15.7480 0 -10 8

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